April 30

Subaru Outback Trailer Hitch Installation – What You Need to Know


The Subaru Outback is one of the best selling vehicles currently on the market. The Outback is a great crossover vehicle for those looking to get out to explore the outdoors as well as those who are simply looking for a reliable, fun car to drive.

One thing that makes any vehicle more versatile is the addition of a trailer hitch. At Triangle Mobile Hitch we provide mobile Subaru Outback trailer hitch installation to Subaru lovers in and around the Triangle. Before you decide on the type of trailer hitch you may want we thought it would be a good idea to outline your options.

Concealed Vs. Non-Concealed – Which Trailer Hitch to Choose?

The Subaru Outback offers two options when it comes to a trailer hitch. Below we will explain the two options:

Concealed Trailer Hitch for Subaru Outback

The concealed trailer hitch option for your Subaru Outback is the more expensive option both in terms of the price of the hitch as well as the labor to install it as well. The complexity of install is due to the fact that the rear bumper has to be removed to install this type of hitch.

The benefits of a concealed trailer hitch for your Subaru Outback include:

  • Cleaner Look – Because the hitch is more concealed you only will see the hitch opening and none of the hitch bar.
  • Better Ground Clearance – Because the rear bumper has to be removed for the Subaru Outback hitch to be installed you will not lose as much ground clearance when compared to a non-concealed trailer hitch.

Here is a picture of a concealed hitch installed on a Subaru Outback:

Concealed Trailer Hitch for Subaru Outback


Non-Concealed Trailer Hitch for Subaru Outback

If you’re looking for a more economical trailer hitch you will be delighted by your options when it comes to a non-concealed trailer hitch for your Subaru Outback. A few of the benefits of choosing this type of trailer hitch include:

  • More Economical – A non-concealed trailer hitch is more economical compared to the concealed option.
  • Higher Tongue Weight Capacity – The tongue weight capacity of a hitch is useful when determining the amount of weight that can be placed on the hitch itself. This rating is most important when choosing trailer hitch accessories like bike racks or cargo carriers. The non-concealed hitch for your Subaru Outback will have a slightly higher tongue weight capacity compared to the concealed version. This is not always the case depending on the year of your Outback. Some year models offer a concealed and non-concealed hitch with the same exact tongue weight capacity. Talk with our team about the specs for your particular Subaru Outback.
  • Easier Installation – Because the rear bumper does not have to be removed, the non-concealed hitch is easier to install compared to the concealed trailer hitch for your Subaru Outback.

Here is a picture of a non-concealed hitch installed on a Subaru Outback:

Non Concealed Hitch for Subaru Outback

Mobile Trailer Hitch Installation for Your Subaru Outback

If you’re interested in a trailer hitch quote for your Subaru Outback feel free to give us a call at (844) 99-HITCH or submit our quote form located on the front page of our website.

We’re a fully mobile trailer hitch installation company who will come to you for your hitch install. We perform hitch installs throughout the Triangle so feel free to reach out to us today for a free quote!

At Triangle Mobile Hitch, we also sell and install bike racks, cargo carriers and all sorts of other vehicle accessories. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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